Finding Body Mapping

I am certain Body Mapping has saved my career in many ways. When I first started studying this material I was experiencing significant pain and neuropathy while playing the clarinet. I was devastated that my performance career may have been over before it even started. The pain and neuropathy was getting progressively worse and I knew something had to change. 

My first Body Mapping/Alexander Technique lesson changed my life. My teacher, Dr. Christine Isley-Farmer, had me walk down the hall and back. Following my walk she informed me that I was holding my right shoulder higher than my left. She then showed me some exercises to release my shoulder and arm structure. I was diligent with the exercises and quickly realized how habitual the arm tension was within my body. My right shoulder area was so incredibly sore from releasing it - the type of sore from working out at the gym…times 10! 

After this incredible experience, I decided to take Dr. Isley-Farmer’s class the following semester. I learned so much about the body and myself in that class, and it transformed my physical, mental, and emotional approach to my instrument. I was able to develop the ability to sense my body (i.e. tension or nervousness) as I played and respond to what I was sensing. It was a freeing experience that continues throughout my Body Mapping journey.

Following my injury recovery, I was and am still able to play without pain or neuropathy. In fact, this journey has taught me that my injury was caused by habitual excess tension. Once I was able to free my arm structure, not only was I able to play without pain, but I was also able to breathe better, have more accurate technique, and communicate music more efficiently to the audience.